Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Bible DISCOVERY 5: There is Only ONE MASTER


8 But be not ye called Rabbi: 

for one is your Master, 

even Christ; 

and all ye are brethren.

9 And call no man your father upon the earth: 

for one is your Father, 

which is in heaven.

10 Neither be ye called masters: 

for one is your Master, 

even Christ.

11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; 

and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Matthew 23:8-12 

King James Version

We humans scramble to outdo each other.

We want names and titles.

We want prestige, fame, wealth, power, glory, beauty.

But those are all of the world.

Only JESUS, the Son of God, deserves ALL the TITLES in the world and in Heaven -- and they all pertain to the SPIRIT -- of which we all are, the day God breathed life into us.

The verses above came from the LORD Himself, as He admonished the scribes and Pharisees, who He called "hypocrites".

The whole chapter on what Jesus said can be read here.

2020 articles


Championing the BIBLE

Updated 22 January 2022


 Psalm 33:1 King James Version 33 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous:  for praise is comely for the upright . The LORD deserves ALL our lo...